Tutorial for setting up the Weglot widget on a Jimdo website (...with external domain management)
Important: For this integration method you need a domain hosted on an external server! If you have your domain managed directly by Jimdo, you will not be able to make any DNS (Domain Name Service) settings. (Domain Name Service) settings. If you have set it up this way, you should move the domain to an external provider that allows its own DNS management and then re-install your website. and then reconnect your website to the domain.
Advantage: After a successful Weglot integration via subdomains, all contents of the English version are indexed by Google & Co, and special programming can already recognise the current language version when the page is loaded.
Step-by-step instructions (HowToDo):
Weglot Asset
...Weglot waits for DNS settings on domain level (subdomain)
Set CNAME record(websites.weglot.com.)
Subdomains set up ready
Back to Weglot:
Head area (Menu > Settings > Edit Head > entire website/subpages)
To complete the configuration of the Weglot widget, the only last step is to use the Weglot widget on the Jimdo site. To do this, Weglot provides a script that can be which can be called up on the setup page in the Weglot dashboard:
This script must be inserted in edit mode in the head area on the Jimdo page (menu > settings > edit head > entire website/subpages) (...preferably at the very bottom or below any existing entries).
After that, the Weglot widget is available on the Jimdo page and can already be operated in visitor mode. Further settings can now also be made, such as:
jQuery script for placeholders
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
// Weglot Placeholder mobil/Desktop einsetzen
$('.jtpl-navigation__inner').after('<div class="weglot_placeholder"> weglot_placeholder </div> ');
$('.jtpl-mobile-topbar').after('<div class="weglot_mobile_placeholder"> weglot_mobile_placeholder </div> ');
*...die Beschriftungen der Placeholder später ausblenden mit <!-- weglot_placeholder --> bzw. <!-- weglot_mobile_placeholder ..> oder löschen!